



What causes to result in chronic prostatitis?

Nowadays, more and more male friends are troubled by chronic prostatitis, whatever they are elder, young or child-bearing. Well, this being the case, then it is very important for us to find out the reasons to bring about chronic prostatitis. How many causes to be infected with chronic prostatis, next, let’s talk about it.
Chronic prostatitis had the trend appearing in men who have the intercourses and elder men in the past, however, according to the latest statistics, young men is also becoming gradually the groups suffering from chronic prostatitis. The main reason for young men with the disease is because they have poor habits of living, such as: staying up late to play games in a long period, sitting or standing for a long time , or long-term smoking and drinking ,these are absolutely the causes to result in recurrent congested prostatitis.
In addition, As for child-bearing men, if they like to frequent masturbation, long-time sexual intercourse and so on, then recurrent congestion of the prostate will be created, later, inducing the prostatitis. Supposed they have the sex with partners with chlamydia or mycosplasma, an increasing risk of getting the prostate infections will be caused by chlamydia or mycosplasma under the help of the urine tract. In this situation, chlamydial prostatitis and mycoplasma prostatitis occur in succession.
 Besides these causes, some rare causes include the stimulation of the urine fluid, factors from the immune systems, etc. they can lead to the prostatitis. The stimulation of the urine fluid will make mucous membrane of urethra be damaged, then there is a lower ability against the pathogens, in a result, lots of pathogens will have a 
retrograde infection to the prostate via the urine tract; factors in the immune system are mainly the prostate antigen, then prostate tissues will be damaged, finally, prostatitis is brought out.
Whatever the causes of chronic prostatitis are, if it is the existence of the bacteria after checking up, then patients should make a positive attitude to diminish the inflammation. In the case, “diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill” will be more helpful for the treatment. Meanwhile, if chronic prostatitis is caused by poor habits of living, it is needed for patients to adjust their own timetable to offer the body a good rest for a health circulation.

Acute prostatitis complications and Chronic prostatitis complications

1. Acute uroschesis: As a matter of fact, acute prostatitis can lead to local congestion, swelling, urethral pressure, which can all cause dysuria or acute uroschesis.   

2. Acute seminal vesiculitis, epididymitis or deferentitis: acute inflammation can easily spread to spermatophore, then cause acute seminal vesiculitis. Besides, bacteria can enter wall or exotheca of the vas deferens through lymphatic duct, which can give rise to epididymitis.  
3. Spermatic lymph nodes or tenderness: Prostate meets testicular lymphoma in os pelvicum. Therefore, acute prostatitis can affect varicosity, which causes spermatic lymph nodes or tenderness. 
4. Sexual dysfunction: During acute inflammation period, prostate congestion, swelling or small abscess can appear. In addition, ejaculation pain, painful erection, loss of libido, sexual pain, hematospermia, impotence can also be found as the common sexual dysfunction symptoms. 
Others. In more serious cases, acute prostatitis can bring about groin pain, renal colic. 
1. Chronic seminal vesiculitis: Chronic seminal vesiculitis is a common complication of chronic prostatitis. In the chronic course of disease, seminal vesiculitis coexist and interact with chronic prostatitis. With time passes by, chronic prostatitis and chronic seminal vesiculitis can obviously have influence on male sexual function. 
2. Impotence: Impotence is also one of the common complications of chronic prostatitis. 
3. Infertility: In infertility patients, chronic prostatitis is an important factor. 
4. Posterior urethritis: Chronic prostatitis can easily cause posterior urethritis, especially prostatitis which is caused by urinary system infections, In stranguria, urinary irritation symptoms occur as early symptoms of chronic prostatitis.
5. Epididymitis: Prostatitis can coexist with seminal vesiculitis. Both inflammations can invade epididymis and then induce chronic epididymitis. 
6. Various cystitis: When chronic inflammation in prostate spread to bladder, apparent urinary tract irritation symptoms occur. 
7. Bladder neck sclerosis: Bladder neck sclerosis happens very rarely actually.   
8. Allergic diseases: Chronic lesions hide in patients' body and transform to be pathogens, which can lead to all kinds of allergic diseases. For instance, arthritis, myositis, iritis, neuritis, etc.

Can a prostate infection spread to your partner?

Prostatitis means infection or inflammation in prostate. Inflammation, according to wikipedia, is part of the complex biological response of vascular tissues to harmful stimuli, such as pathogens, damaged cells, or irritants. When prostate get infected, there must be bacteria or pathogens in prostate fluids, which can enter into vagina during intercourse as a part of semen. Then bacteria or pathogens entering into vagina can cause infection or inflammation. This is the point view that many people hold. But it is true?

Actually, this question can't be anwsered simply by "Yes" or "No". First, you should know clearly about the type of your prostatitis. Clinically there is no bacteria found in 90% of prostatitis, which means it is non bacterial prostatitis. If a man has this type of prostatitis, the infection can't be trasnmitted to a woman.
Another situation is that a small percentage of prostatitis is caused by  trichomonas or fungus infection. Other pathogens such as neisseria gonorrhoeae, mycoplasma and chlamydia can also lead to prostate infection, which is called bacterial prostatitis in clinic. These causing factors are infectious to some extent. 
However, whether bacteria can cause women get infected are based on many factors, such as the strength of the bacterial virulence, the number of bacteria, the partner's resistance etc. If prostatitis is in an acute stage, the the possibility of women getting infected is high.  On the other hand, vagina is an acidic environment which has certain lethality to bacteria. As long as the strength and quantity of bacteria is not high, prostate infection can't make women get infected.
No matter what prostatitis it is, men with prostate infection should take correct medication in time. For acute prostatitis, antibiotics are the first choice. But if antibiotics don't work, and the disease develop to chronic, then men need to take herbal medicine Diuretic and anti-inflammatory Pill to cure chronic prostatitis. In general, patients with prostatitis can get cured with the pills in three months.

Why is prostatitis a highly recurrent disease?

Prostatitis is a disease with a high recurrence rate, which is exactly what prostatitis patients suffer from. However, why is prostatitis difficult to be cured? In a word, special physiological structure, the complexity of the causes and improper treatment are three primary reasons for this. An infection from the prostate is Prostatitis. Usually, the special physiological structure and complex causes are both obstacles for traditional therapies, which are also causes of the relapse. In addition, prostatitis patients who take medicine without serious consideration after being diagnosed with prostatitis can make the condition worse.

Hence, choosing effective treatment and receiving rational therapeutics are important. In fact, prostatitis is not a horrible disease. As long as taking the best treatment, patients can recover soon. Prostatitis treatment. Tracing back to the history of traditional Chinese medical science, we can find that prostatitis is not a conception of a disease. However, according to its symptoms, it is classified into illnesses such as stranguria or gonorrhoea.

In traditional Chinese medical science, frequent urine and urinary urgency are caused by damp-heat in lower abdomen. While local pain is a manifestation of qi depression to blood stasis. Thence, prescriptions which can promote blood circulation by removing blood stasis and clear away heat and toxic material are adopted to treat prostatitis. Prostatitis treatments. Traditional Chinese medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is the very medicine to cure prostatitis which follows these two aspects. Because of the principle of systematic treatment of treating prostatitis, as traditional Chinese medical science advocates, no matter bacterial prostatitis or nonbacterial prostatitis, Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill can guarantee the healing efficacy. Also, this systematic treatment prevents patients from being over treated and solves the problem of drug tolerance.

Apparently, no drug tolerance is a significant advantage of traditional Chinese medicine. Therefore, it can be concluded that traditional Chinese medicine is the best treatment of prostatitis. Urinary Tract Infection and inflammation of colon and rectum can infect prostate through lymphatic. Direct spreading. When a man urinate, urine will flow through prostate, easily, bacteria in urine can enter prostate directly. Antibiotic is recommended to be used to acute prostatitis patients. If it does not work well, traditional Chinese medicine, for example, Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, which can clear away heat and toxic material and promote blood circulation is suggested to take. Medically, urinary irritation is considered as a chemical factor.

It is a fact that there are many kinds of acidic chemicals in urine. When patients' local neuroendocrine is abnormal, urethral pressure strengthens and prostate duct openings suffers injury, irritating chemicals as uric acid can enter prostate. Consequently, prostatitis occurs. Treatment: Adjust the pH of urine and diminish inflammation. Experts find that fifty percents of chronic nonbacterial prostatitis patients suffer from symptoms such as anxiety, depression and fear. In addition, patients who have strong feeling of pain and neurasthenia are more likely to exaggerate the discomfort and pain. Usually, subjective symptoms are more serious than practical situation. This situation can be called "tension prostatitis" . However, psychological factors are often connection with age. Younger patients usually burden heavier pressure.

Obviously, in such case, drug therapy can be absolutely affected. Those who think symptoms increased because of psychological factors should be also treated with psychotherapy. Patients ought to know that keeping a good state of mind, immersing yourselves in work and participating in and colorful spare time life are beneficial to the treatment. Studies have shown that chronic prostatitis has something to do with autoimmune factors. Some experts have found "anti-prostate antibody" in arthritis. Those patients are always with congenital or acquired immune deficiency. If there is no bacteria, virus or chlamydia infection, patients can take immunological factors as a inducement.

Plus, allergic reactions of some viruses can lead to inflammation as well. Especially for people whose resistance are low. Such men have a higher risk of prostatitis. A large number of men are haunted by frequent urine and urinary urgency. Sometimes lower abdomen pain also attacks. In simple terms, these are all symptoms of prostatitis. Vesiculitis treatment with traditional Chinese medicine. Causes of prostatitis are multiple. Pathogenic microorganism infection  Various microorganism, such as protozoa, fungi, viruses, can all be source of prostate infection. Among them, bacteria is the most common one, such as neisseria gonorrhoeae and non-gonococcal.

Routes of invasion of bacteria mainly contains three: Hematogenous infection. Clinically, ninety percents of prostatitis are infected by microorganisms. Lymphatic infection. Urinary tract infection and inflammation of colon and rectum can infect prostate through lymphatic. Direct spreading. When a man urinate, urine will flow through prostate, easily, bacteria in urine can enter prostate directly. Antibiotic is recommended to be used to acute prostatitis patients. If it does not work well, traditional Chinese medicine, for example, Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, which can clear away heat and toxic material and promote blood circulation is suggested to take.

Medically, urinary irritation is considered as a chemical factor. It is a fact that there are many kinds of acidic chemicals in urine. When patients' local neuroendocrine is abnormal, urethral pressure strengthens and prostate duct openings suffers injury, irritating chemicals as uric acid can enter prostate. Consequently, prostatitis occurs. Experts find that fifty percents of chronic nonbacterial prostatitis patients suffer from symptoms such as anxiety, depression and fear. In addition, patients who have strong feeling of pain and neurasthenia are more likely to exaggerate the discomfort and pain. Usually, subjective symptoms are more serious than practical situation. This situation can be called "tension prostatitis" . However, psychological factors are often connection with age. Younger patients usually burden heavier pressure. Obviously, in such case, drug therapy can be absolutely affected.

How to cure chronic prostatitis with different treatments?

How to cure chronic prostatitis - a stubborn disease all over the world becomes a hot topic in recent years. The complicated causes of prostatitis, various clinical manifestations, uncertain pathogenesis and different view point from doctors make the treatment methods of prostatitis are various. But there is one thing that I am sure that all treatments are worse than Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill. But what makes this herbal medicine is so fabulous?

Antibiotic is one of the most typical treatments on clinical, but we all know with long-term apply of antibiotics, some diseases may develop strong resistance, so with the abuse of antibiotic, more and more antibiotics are useless. Sometimes, even the symptoms become milder, it sooner become severer. Furthermore, the side-effect of antibiotic is huge which can damage kidney’s function, so patients should take antibiotic carefully.
Dietary therapy
Let's take apple vinegar for example. Apple vinegar can improve the Zn protein to resist bacteria. But this way only play as a second role. So it can be used as dietary therapy, but if you think this way can clear away all bacteria, it isn't enough.
Traditional Chinese Medicine-TCM
TCM such as fumigation and acupuncture can stimulate meridian, promote blood circulation and enhance body strength and promote the abortion of inflammation. The herbal medicine named Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill invented by Wuhan Dr. Lee's TCM clinic is welcomed by many patients, for it works fast without relapse.
All in all, Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is the best. Dr. Lee, the inventor of Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, is an expert in treating male diseases. She qualified as an herbalist 30 years ago and is a highly experienced medical professional. She specializes in the field of male and female reproductive and urinary system diseases. Although there are numerous doctors in this field, she is the best. Her pill works fast and can cure prostatitis within three months. Every man is satisfied with the curative effect of this pill and this pill is the best.
Although many prostatitis men who have taken this pill before send good news to us, there also are many patients still are afraid of this disease. Now, don't panic and receive treatment in our clinic, not matter how stubborn your prostatitis are, it can be cured totally by our pills and bring a healthy prostate for you.


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